Get Involved


There are many ways you can get involved with the Mountaineers Players and the Kitsap Forest Theater to continue the tradition of generations of volunteers who have lovingly kept this place functioning.

On the "stage side of the ferns" you can audition for our shows or be a "behind the scenes" player working with props, costumes, sets, etc.

On the "audience side of the ferns" you can help with ushering or parking during shows, or you can volunteer at work parties throughout the year to help with the upkeep and maintenance of the theater.

We also happily accept your donation of goods, services or money to help keep this theater alive for the next generations of theater-goers.

The Mountaineers Players/Kitsap Forest Theater is a volunteer organization associated with The Mountaineers centered in Seattle, a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations of money, goods and services may be tax deductible.

Please visit the following links to find out how you can:




Planned Giving

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