Kitsap Forest Adventure Camp Volunteer Opportunities

CampersAtTheaterKitsap Forest Adventure Camp is a summer day camp that seeks to introduce children (grades K - 4th) to the joys of the beautiful forest and creek environments of the Kitsap Forest Theater, located outside of Bremerton. The camp activities include art, music, drama, play, hiking, exploring the forest, wildlife and creeks of the Kitsap Forest Theater – all centered around the weekly themes (Citizen Scientist  and Forest Treasure). Above all else, Adventure Camp is just plain fun. The camp runs for two weeks (see dates in the Adventure Camp Page) and includes campers from the greater Seattle/Tacoma area and the Kitsap peninsula. There is an all camp family dinner and overnight on each Friday night.

CampersLearningAboutNatureThe Mountaineers is a volunteer organization and we rely on volunteers to help staff our camp. If you are in high school and would like to work with children in the out-of-doors this summer, please consider volunteering with us. You will earn a lot of volunteer hours! Not only will you learn while working, you will have a great time exploring and playing with the kids. Parents, we also value your volunteer help - please consider volunteering for a day or two or for the week. Contact us for more information.

Camp Volunteer Application (fillable)