2015 Spring - Mary Poppins

May 24, 25, 30, 31, June 6, 7, 13, 14, 2015

Mary Poppins Logo Web(1)

The spring show for 2015 was the Walt Disney and Cameron MacKintosh musical version of Mary Poppins. Based on the Disney movie of the same name, it tells the classic tale authored by P.L. Travers.

The show was put together by the veteran KFT production staff of Craig Schieber (director), Guy Caridi (Choreographer), Amy Beth Nolte (Music Director), Barbara Klingberg (Costumes), and Chris Stanley (Sets). Nikki Fey-Burgett and Josh Zimmerman played the musical accompaniment.

Meagan Castillo portrayed the enigmatic character of Mary Poppins, the magical nanny who helps to put right the struggling Banks family. KFT newcomer Merill Matheson ably caught the sense of the sprightly (and to a certain extent slightly spritely) Bert, originally played by Dick Van Dyke in the movie.

Guy Caridi's choreography of the 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', 'Jolly Holiday' and 'Step in Time' dances were extremely popular. In addition, it was Guy's first chance to actually dance in one of his own productions at KFT. 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' was particularly known for the dancers frenetically spelling out the special word.

On the set side, this was the first opportunity for Chris Stanley to use the newly raised mound on the back of the stage. Inside, but invisible to the audience is a 'secret' room from which a full hat stand was pulled from Mary's traveling bag - no clicking of the hat stand coming together often heard in that scene. The mound is now two feet taller than it was the previous year. It is at a similar height to what it was 40-50 years ago.

The Banks family was portrayed by veteran actors from KFT, Tod Harrick (Mr. Banks). Jenny Dreesen (Mrs. Banks), and Joseph Martinez (Michael), coupled with newcomer Lydia Salo (Jane). Oliver Girouard (Robertson Ay) and Becky Eastgard (Mrs. Brill) rounded out the Banks household).

Dawn Brazel, who acted in KFT productions in the 1980's and 1990's and music directed Annie (2014) and The Music Man (2015), came back as an actor to portray the Bird Woman and the wicked nanny, Mrs. Andrew. She sang the classic 'Feed the Birds' while be seated in the audience.

During the last performance, Mary (Meagan Castillo) lost her voice and Jenny Dreesen (Mrs. Banks) augmented her singing from the wings. Meagan and Jenny had recently sung together in the KFT production of Into the Woods as Rapunzel and the Witch.
