2007 Summer - The Fantasticks

August 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26,  2007

FantasticsCastPhotoFantaskicksLogoThe Fantastiicks  was the kick-off production of the 'summer' show. The show was first run off Broadway in 1960. With music by Harvey Schmidt and lyrics by Tom Jones, it is famous for being the 'home' of that well known musical standard 'Try to Remember'.

The plot is based upon two neighbors who want to encourage their children to marry by staging a feud - basically a Romeo and Juliet in reverse. The young 'star crossed lovers' were portrayed by Linnea Svennson and Cooper Harris-Turner.

With a small cast it was the beginning of the Kitsap Forest Theaters "Summer" show.  It was produced and directed by Craig Schieber.
