1997 - Midsummer Night's Dream

May 25, 26 , 31 June 1, 7, 8, 14, 15 1997

A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare's best-loved comiedy classic, is an obvious choice for the Forest Theater - perfect for the setting, with a story all can enjoy, readily adaptable to large casts including lots of children and a delight to perform. Craig Schieber directed this production.

In this third Forest Theater production of "Dream," the costumes, designed by Lee Ann Hittenberger, were noteworthy for their brilliant colors, especially for the little fairies. These young people decorated their won costumes for the most part. They wore feathered masks, whcih, in addition to the dramatic effect, relieved the fairies (and the make-up crew) from the need to apply face make-up.

Near the end of rehearsal, Sean O'Donnell, who played Oberon, tore his Achilles tendon. Unable to walk on it, he has to use crutches. Sheathing the crutches in black made them blend well into Oberon's costume. His long full cloak also helped to bscure the crutches. Some audience members throught the use of the crutches was a brilliant device of the director's. Almost 2,500 saw the play.

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