1994 - Little Mary Sunshine

May 29, 30 June 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19 1994

"We would like to take you back to a place where troubles blow away like clouds and we look for a sky of blue. Such a carefree, happy place is easy  to find in musical theatere, where Little May Sunshine tends her fair garden whilst Captain Jim marches his men tirelessly from border to border and young labes swing to their hearts' detlight! Mr. Beosyan, our platywright, created utterly sincere characters who are good and bad to the extreme, and combined them with familiar melodramatic images into this saga of Colorado." [Director Gail Wamba's program note]

During one performance of Little Mary Sunshine, first produced by the Players in 1963, a deluge made it nearly impossible to hear the dialogue on stage, even with the microphones turned way up. Waterfalls began to pour off the empty audience seats, rushing to the stage. After the girls' chorus exited from one scene, so many hair dryers came on, it overloaded the electrical capacity and the taped musich began to slowly fade. Frantic shouts of "Turn off the dryers", brought the system back. The Players later received a note from some members of the audience thanking them for their hard work in continuing the show as if nothing were happening. One audience member from Seattle wrote "Never have I seen it rain so hard or so long and yet you kept on singing, dancing and acting!"