1992 - Kismet

May 24, 25, 30, 31, June 6, 7, 13, 14, 1992

The Players had an encore production of Kismet, first put on in 1956. But this was a musical Arabian Night with wonderful, familiar songs based on Aleksandr Borodin's melodies. Kismet is a tale of wicked wazirs, passionate princesses, handsome caliphs, beautiful maidens, and the beggar, Hajj. Phil Giesy directed, Robert Cooper was musical director, Honor Moor was choreographer, and Ruth Bradshaw was accompanist.

A half dozen young Player matrons learned belly dancing, and danced at the trail head for the audience waiting to go down to the Theatre.

This year the pool in which the wicked Wazir drowned was built above ground, shallower than in the 1956 production. A few gallons of hot water added just before the show took the chill off. The Wazir (Walt Foster) stayed in the pool for the rest of the show. Unlike the 1956 Wazir, he came out, dripping wet, for the curtain call.

Almost 3,000 saw the show.
