1984 - The Teahouse of the August Moon

May 27, 28, June 2, 3, 9, 10, 1984

First staged by the Players in 1957, this year's production of John Patrick's The Teahouse of the August Moon was directed by Bob Nicholson. It depicts the funny side of the cultural tug-of-war between residents of a village on Okinawa and the American GIs who find themselves stationed there after World War II.

Carol Guthrie, who portrayed a member of the Ladies League (both in 1957 and in 1984), is a colonel in the Army Reserve. She arranged for the loan of some uniforms and the jeep. The Army furnished both the jeep, and a soldier to drive it. After every weekend, Carol gathered up the uniforms, took them home to wash and press so they would look spiffy and properly military.

Ray Puddicombe, who played Captain Fisby in the 1957 production, was "promoted" to play Colonel Purdy III in this show, a promotion that took 27 years to come through.

A reproduction of an authentic tori, or temple gate, was placed on the trail to the Theatre. It was designed by Ray Puddicombe and built by Wilbur Wertz.

Total audience for Teahouse was over 2,200.