1980 - The Music Man

May 25, 26, 31, June 1, 7, 8, 1980

In The Music Man, Meredith Willson's con man extraordinaire Harold Hill comes to River City, Iowa. Like a Pied Piper, Harold leads the dazzled River City citizens into backing his dream of a miraculous band and even paying for it. Trouble is, Harold has no intention of producing any band—ever! But falling in love with Marian the librarian changes his plans. Mollie M. Hughes directed.

For this production, the Players needed more than a piano, so they assembled a small band. It didn't have 76 trombones, but included a bass clarinet (Christy Jensen), cello (John Moen), clarinet (Heather Scott), flute (Beverly Scott), piano (Miki Garrison), soprano saxophone (Colleen Squier), trombone (Judy Logan), two trumpets (Vicki Redhead, Steve Stout), and two trombones, bass, and percussion played by Sand Point Navy Band members. Frank Trujillo was music director.

The Everett Herald reviewed the show on a day with less-than-perfect weather:

"It may be the first time outside of an aquatic show that the actors literally swam through a performance. The Mountaineer Players braved rain, chill, travel advisories and the (unrealized) threat of volcanic ash (from Mount St. Helens which had erupted just days earlier) to put on a show in their outdoor theatre with proverbial Andy Hardy enthusiasm.

"Despite the sparse audience of less than 100—hunched under umbrellas and rain parkas—The Music Man went on."

Under the guidance of Greg-Robin Smith, the young dancers put on some vigorous numbers. They also had a lot of fun in rehearsal. The weather wasn't always bad. A total of 3,510 attended the six performances.