1930 - The Adventures of Snow White

May 25, 1930

In his adaptation of the Grimms' beloved fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Jessie Braham White (Winthrop Ames) added the Witch Hex (Mabel Furry) and her black cats, Longtail and Lacktail (Bill Darling and Arthur Winder). Their antics enthralled the youngsters in the audience of over a thousand.

The show had a successful Broadway run in 1912 and was the basis for a 1916 silent movie of the same name.

The show was directed by Mrs. Robert Sandall who directed many of the plays in the 1920s and 1930s. She had also directed the previous year's play. An interesting sidelight was that the show was performed a week earlier than normal as the director was starting her trip to Europe on the week of the 25th of May. It was a long one with taking a train to Montreal and then getting on a ship to the UK. They finally arrived back in the US the first week of September.

Unfortunately few details have been left behind of this production. Only this one lone picture.

A newspaper review reported that "Little by little, almost unnoticed [The Mountaineers] have created a cultural edifice of sheer delight."
