Update on Hen House Roof

For those who don't know what a hen house is doing at the Kitsap Forest Theater, a bit of clarification: The term 'Hen House' has been used to denote the women's dressing room since Music Man in 2001 when the "pick-a-little ladies" deemed it such.

The back story to the repairs on the women's dressing room roof goes back to last November when a very bad wind wipped through Kitsap Peninsula leaving scores of trees uprooted. Among the 10-20 trees that fell on the Kitsap property, one fell on the roof of the Hen House.

Last week a few volunteers (Scott & Barb Baker, Josh Brown, Craig McCoy, Olivia Hickerson, and Brian & Gala Lindvall) started the roof repair project. The Bremerton Rotary donated money to help cover the material expenses (Thank you!) and we started the tear off and replace the roof project. A few of us took several loads of old set wood to the dumpster and dump.

We will need many more work parties to complete the project, but a good amount of rotten roof has now been repaired. It takes an army of volunteers to keep this property in good repair. Please let us know if you would like to help with this project.

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