The Story of a Floor

FlooringInTruckTheFinishedFloor How do you find an affordable floor to finish the unique yurt when you are on a budget? We solved that problem by finding some beautiful oak flooring on craigslist that was being removed from a house set for demolition. With a lot of volunteer labor, time, and sweat, plus one talented craftsman – we went from the picture on the left to the picture on the right. To see more pictures of this journey, please go to our photo gallery, click on "Yurt at Kitsap" and go to photos #55-#64.

Thanks to Craig McCoy for providing the truck and volunteer time to help load the flooring, transport it to Kitsap, and start grinding off the nails. Josh Brown, Brian Lindvall, Trey Morgan, Gail Foster, Nancy Estill and Gala Lindvall all helped with the grinding, wiping and stacking of the wood. It took three days of work to go from the flooring at the original house to the flooring stacked in the shed ready for installation.

Special thanks to Chris Greyell from Milllwork Installations for providing the expertise and spending an entire weekend from dawn to dusk laying the floor. He was helped by Trey Morgan, son of Angela Morgan, a cast member of our spring show, Fiddler on the Roof

One of the joys of working on shows at the Kitsap Forest Theater is meeting new people – and finding actors and their family members who immediately start jumping in to help with roofing projects, felling trees, cleaning up, cooking and keeping this place humming. We thank everyone who helped with the yurt, and who help all around the property. You are all continuing a Mountaineers tradtion that started in 1923, and hopefully will continue for many more generations.

Fiddler on the Roof opens to rave reviews
"The Green Violinist" by Marc Chagall

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