Putting It Together

One of the most exciting things about making theatre is seeing the disparate elements of a production begin to cohere and work together. There is a clear but mysterious moment when a scene or a song or a dance number begins to breathe; it goes on its own, seemingly without the effort and struggle that it required in the laborious early stages.

"Seemingly" is the key word in that last sentence; everyone involved in Oklahoma! is working very hard to get the show and the property ready for Opening Day next Sunday. The small army of volunteers it takes to keep the Kitsap Forest Theater running is busy building sets, sewing costumes, printing programs, and recruiting ushers, parkers, cooks, and—most importantly—audience members! Give an electronic holler if you’d like to volunteer for any of those roles. You can volunteer to be in the audience by visiting our ticket information page to purchase tickets.

It’s wonderful to watch this show start to breathe—and sometimes, to watch it pant, like every time the actors get through Guy Caridi’s amazing choreography for “The Farmer and the Cowman”. It’s a showstopper, but the show doesn’t stop there; it’s got lots of laughs, fantastic fight choreography, and beautiful music—all delivered by one of the most generous and dedicated casts I’ve ever encountered. All this—and we’ve still got a week until opening!

Jenny Estill - Director

Reflections on Oklahoma! by Leading Lady Sylvie Ba...
Thoughts of Jenny Estill, Director

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