Meet our Mary

Meagan HeadshotMary Poppins ArrivalMeagan Castillo (Mary Poppins) is happy to be spending another spring in the beautiful Kitsap Forest Theater, and is thrilled to have the opportunity to take on the role of Mary Poppins. A Seattle native, Meagan has performed with many local theater companies, including Seattle Musical Theater, SecondStory Repertory, Tacoma Musical Playhouse and the Seattle Gilbert and Sullivan Society. She is currently a pre-nursing student at Bellevue College.

Meagan was first drawn to the Kitsap Forest Theater in 2011, when her then 10-year-old son expressed an interest in joining her on stage. The unique environment of the theater, which encourages family participation both on and off stage, was a perfect fit. Since then, Meagan has had the privilege of appearing on the Kitsap stage with both of her younger sons; in the 2013 production of Narnia, as well as last years production of Honk!.

“I believe that the family friendly, multi-generational environment of the Kitsap Forest Theater is very important, both for the cast and the audience. I'm proud to be a part of creating a place where parents and grandparents can expose their children to quality theater in a relaxed and welcoming space”. Despite the challenges of staging a production of Mary Poppins outdoors, Meagan feels that it really is an excellent fit for the theater. “The themes of finding the magic in the everyday, as well as the Banks family's struggle to connect with one another is something I believe everyone can relate to.”

Meagan and Amy BethMeagan honkMeagan is also enjoying the challenge of playing a character many people are familiar with and have preconceived notions of. “So much of the fun in creating a character is making it your own. That's difficult with a role like Mary, since most people immediately think of Julie Andrews. Returning to the source material is also tricky, since the Mary in the original P.L. Travers' stories isn't terribly likeable. Despite this, playing Mary really is a dream come true, after all how often do you get to be Practically Perfect.”

Buy your tickets today online (no ticket fee) and come for a "jolly holiday" in the forest with your friends and family! It truly will be a "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" adventure!


Meet our Michael
Meet our Bert

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