Kitsap Yurt is Finished!

YurtCrewAfterFinishedYurtCrewAfter1stDayBuildAfter two days of great teamwork, the Kitsap Yurt is now finished. Special thanks to Michael Fuhrman of Rainier Yurts for supervising the yurt raising. The entire team appreciated his expertise and direction. Thanks also to Mac Smith, our contractor, for lending his expertise to the team.

Volunteers Scott Eby, Craig McCoy, Josh Brown, Doug Frick and Chris Stanley worked very hard to complete this task in two long days. Emma, the dog, kept watch over the project. Thank you to all of our dedicated volunteers. We also want to give a special thank you to Doug Frick for feeding the team a great dinner and breakfast.

We were all amazed at how well everything fit together. The yurt fits perfectly in the wooded setting, and will give the Players and other users another "dry" place to rehearse, have classes and hang out. Come check it out!

Visit the "Yurt at Kisap" album at our Photo Gallery for a series of pictures that document the yurt raising process.

Yurt Update
Yurt Platform Finished

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