Kitsap Forest Theater is the perfect setting for Narnia

Guest post by Jenny Estill, director of Narnia:

Narnia was my first show with the Kitsap Forest Theater. (I was eight.) I remember spending most of the experience looking up—either in conversation with cast-mates twice my size, or else lost in wonder at the grandeur of the space around me. To an eight year-old, the Kitsap Forest Theater was Narnia. It was a space of incomparable beauty, of grand adventures, and of great challenge—a space in which I was required to work hard, be kind, and give deeply to something greater than myself. It was a space where magical happenings were most definitely a possibility.

Little has changed in the intervening years. For me, the Kitsap Forest Theater is Narnia still, and I am thrilled to have the chance to direct here again. It is a perfect setting for C.S. Lewis’ epic tale of adventure, fantasy, courage, and redemption. The immutability of the space requires an audience to use its imagination even more than does a traditional and more flexible theatre. This, in turn, requires a director and her designers to create images of exceptional beauty and creativity in order to tell the story effectively. Our wonderful production team is already hard at work figuring out how to do this, and marvelously creative solutions are emerging in every department. This is very exciting. All we need now is a cast of intrepid theatrical adventurers who are up for a truly unique artistic experience…

We are looking for all ages to take part in this production. Sign up for an audition now to be a part of this special experience. Auditions are this weekend (March 2 & 3). Or help backstage. Contact us for more information.

Narnia Publicity Photos
From Audience to Performers at the Kitsap Forest T...

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