Fiddler on the Roof is cast!

We are excited to announce the cast for our spring show, Fiddler on the Roof. We have 51 cast members, including 23 returning Players and 28 brand new Players. We have 11 families involved (parents and youth), five who are new to the Players, and six who are returning. Our talented cast ranges in age from Kindergarten to over 70 years old. Here is a list of some of the roles:


Tevye Steve Wall Steve was the Cowardly Lion in Wizard of Oz (2003) and is performing his "dream" role this year
Golde Jenny Dreessen Jenny was the Witch in Into the Woods (2011), and Elsa in Sound of Music  (2010) 
Tzeitel Sarah Walsh Sarah is new to the Players, recently relocating from Hawaii
Hodel Lani Smith Lani was in Oklahoma! last spring
Chava Amberlee Williams Amberlee is new to the Players, and will be appearing in both shows this season
Yente Mary Lou Mills Mary Lou is new to the Players this year
Motel Buddy Todd Buddy is new to the Players this year
Perchik Josh Weibel Josh is new to the Players, and will be appearing in both shows this season
Fyedka Mitchell Pointer Mitchell is new to the Players, and will be appearing in both shows this season
Lazar Wolf Tod Harrick Tod and is family are new to the Players this year, but have been enthusiastic audience members since 2008
Fruma Sarah Marlene Anderson Marlene had lead roles at our theater in the 1970's and is thrilled to be returning to both shows this season
Grandma Tzeitel Valerie Foster Valerie has been performing at the theater since she was a child
Mordcha Walt Foster Walt met his wife doing shows at the theater and he will be perfoming in both shows this season with his family
Avram Gary Spees Gary has been performing shows here since Beauty and the Beast (2008)
Rabbi Chris Stanley Chris is reprising his role from the first time we produced Fiddler on the Roof  (1998)
Rabbi's son Erik Lam Erik is new to the Players, but his mom and sister performed in Oklahoma! last year
The Fiddler Olivia Gordon Olivia has been performing here off and on with her parents since she was a child 
Constable Jerry Dreessen Jerry has been in several shows with his wife and children (see his blog post here)
Shaindel Deb Harrick Deb and her family (see Tod above) are thrilled to be cast in their first Mountaineers Players' show


We also welcome returning Players: Marion Allred; Kim & David Gordon; Danette, Shawn & Jessica Lam; Callie Maxson; Thea & Debora Reinert; Nicole & Katelyn Cooper; Katie Dreesen, Rosanna Hughes, Brian Lindvall & David Jensen. New Players to round out our cast are: Eliana & Jasmine Harrick (see parents above); Maya, Layla & Joe Markovich (Eliana, Jasmine, Maya and Laya will be sharing the younger daughter roles); Joan, Alfonso & Luciana Barrera; Julie, Stewart, Emma & Jules Shusterman; Shayla & Purcelle Harris; Erica McAdams-Roth and Angela Morgan.

We start rehearsals on Monday evening, March 12th, and Craig (director), Amy Beth (music director) and Guy (choreographer) are looking forward to an awesome rehearsal process. We can assure you with this talented cast and crew that this will be an excellent show – you will want to get your tickets early.

We thank all who auditioned! 

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