Honk! Delights Audiences on Opening Weekend

Honk! opened to rave reviews from audiences members this weekend. A long time audience member said that this was her second favorite show she has seen at KFT (after Sound of Music), and she has seen a lot of shows. She absolutely loved the show, and is planning to bring friends back to see it.

Here is an excerpt from Michael C. Moore's review in the Kitsap Sun, May 25, 2014:

"Much like its main character, the musical “Honk!” is sort of a strange duck . . . and yet . . . there, at the end, was a swan. Director Adam Othman, at the KFT helm for the first time, plays to the show’s strengths (it’s awfully, awfully cute, with some effective songs from Anthony Drewe and George Stiles) . . . much of its humor is quite clever . . .  [You will enjoy] listening to Othman’s and musical director Amy Beth Nolte’s collection of splendid singers and immaculate accompaniment by Greg Smith and Victoria Casteel, watching the lovely bits of business and physical comedy contrived by Othman and choreographer Heather Dawson, and enjoying Barbara Klingberg’s simple but colorful and evocative costumes.

. . . there are plenty of genuine laughs to go with the emotion of Andersen’s original messages; you know, “beauty is only skin deep,” and “it’s what’s on the inside that counts.”

The cast is stocked with great voices — Beaven Walters [as Ida, Ugly’s mom], Meagan Castillo (as Ida’s intolerant friend Maureen), Kelly Goode (as the goose squadron’s aide de camp), Jenny Dreessen and Molly Hall (as a pair of overly domesticated house pets) and 13-year-old Katie Dreessen (as a swan) chief among them. Jason Gingold also sings well and carries a lot of the show’s comic responsibility as a cat who’s planning to have young Ugly over for dinner, hold the “over.”

The show also features a whole barnyard full of cute kids — many of them the progeny of older cast members, playing various chicks and ducklings and even fish.

But man-of-the-match honors have to go to Nick McCarthy, who plays Ugly with the perfect combination of pluck and pathos, getting laughs one minute and setting lower lips a’quiver the next. He bolsters his strong, unaffected acting with a good singing voice and some impressive dance moves."

Three more weekends to come see it – don't miss out on this funny and touching story.


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‘Ugly Duckling’ tale told with song and dance

Kitsap Sun, by Michael C. Moore, BREMERTON — There was a time when “Honk!”, a musical-theater version of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Ugly Duckling,” seemed poised to become the toast of Broadway.

But no one, at the time, was in the mood.

“I think it would’ve been a big success,” said Adam Othman, who’s directing the Mountaineers Players’ production of the show that opens May 25 at the Kitsap Forest Theater. “It was testing out in the U.S., and looked like it was going to be a big hit, but then the whole 9/11 thing happened.”

A success in its birthplace of London, where it won the Olivier Award (the Brits’ equivalent of the Tonys) for Best Musical in 2000, “Honk!” seemed like a sure bet for a similar reception across the pond. After the events of 9/11, however, no one was in much of a play-going mood, and the show moved onto a virtual back burner.

“It’s a shame,” said Othman, who’s a veteran of decades of shows around the Seattle area (including KFT, where he first appeared in 1987, and most recently in 2011’s “Into the Woods”). “This show is one of those undiscovered classics. It was bad timing that it didn’t get on Broadway, but a lot of people knew about it, and it developed a following.

“It has a lot of heart, and the music is very rich and deep,” he added of the show that will mark his KFT directing debut.

The musical — with music by George Stiles and book and lyrics by Anthony Drewe — might not be familiar to a lot of people as other entries in its genre, but the story certainly is: The “ugly duckling” endures the ridicule and ostracism of his peers, only to mature into a beautiful swan.

“It’s a good show for this place, and the audience they get here,” Othman said. “It’s a family show, and it’s got a good message about tolerance, and that beauty is only skin deep.”

As usual for the Mountaineers — who conducted auditions for its 2014 season in both Seattle and Kitsap — the show is a family affair on stage as well as in the galleries.

“We knew we would get the people out (to audition),” Othman said. “For this show, it was a matter of getting the right mix of people, both adults and kids. One of the great things about this theater is that you can have kids and their parents in the same show.”

There are several family connections in the cast of “Honk!”, including Beavan Walters and her daughter, Sophie, who play matriarch Ida and one of her ducklings. The two have been paired previously at KFT, most notably as Maria Rainer and the youngest Von Trapp child in “The Sound of Music.” (Her son, Scooter, is also in his very first KFT show!).

Several others who’ve done memorable turns in past KFT productions are in Othman’s cast, including Jenny Dreessen and Megan Castillo. But there are some newcomers who will make an impression as well, including Nick McCarthy, who plays Ugly, and Jason Gingold as a conniving cat who pretends to befriend Ugly when all he’s really interested in is eating him.

“There’s a lot of wonderful song-and-dance in the show,” Othman said. “A lot of it is slightly vaudeville-esque. But there’s also a lot of sincerity, in the ballads that Ugly and his mom sing, and as he goes through this whole process of finding out who he is.”

Musical direction is by Amy Beth Nolte, a veteran of several KFT shows both in that capacity and as a performer. Costumer Barbara Klingberg might well find herself up to her elbows in feathers for this show, and choreographer Heather Dawson’s dance steps will be performed at the waddle. Keyboard accompaniment will come from Greg Smith And Victoria Casteel.

“I’ve worked with Amy Beth here before,” Othman said. “As soon as I got this (assignment), I knew I wanted her for musical director. Heather’s new here, but she’s worked with me (with the student program at Seattle Prep, which he directs).

Read more: http://www.kitsapsun.com/news/2014/may/19/theater-ugly-duckling-tale-told-with-song-and/#ixzz32EdufUEh 

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How To Overcome Post Football Season Blues in Seattle

Hey guys, if you want to fill in that time between the Superbowl and the first Pre-season game, I have a suggestion. In fact, it’s a little bit like football:

1.  It's outdoors
2.  There's a paying crowd for every "game"
3.  There is a "pre-season"
4.  You can do it by yourself or with your family and friends
5.  You have to enjoy standing up in front of crowds while you participate
6.  It's a timed event
7.  There is a coach to help you memorize your "route"
8.  You can "try out" for the better positions if you have the talent
9.  You get to sing theme songs with a bunch of other "fans"
10. When the season is over, you look forward to the next season

That’s right guys, now there is a way for you to fill in that gap.

All you have to do is go to a  special website, and let them know you want to join.

Because the people at Kitsap Forest Theater are looking for men who are looking for a new challenge: to be a part of outdoor community musical theater! Just go to http://www.foresttheater.com/auditions, check out the times and dates (we know you have it available, unless you are a hard core baseball fan…)

There are plenty of parts available if you want to be in the Ensemble, or if you have been on the stage before, or sung in a choir, try out for one of the male roles! Rehearsals are in Seattle, with some in Bremerton. During the run of the show, you get to experience the woods by camping in tents – how cool is that?

But you have to hurry! Auditions are in 2 weeks – but if you are not sure what you want to do, give us a call and we’ll be more than happy to find a part that fits you perfectly.

Feeling blue after the football season is now a thing of the past. Thanks to the Seattle Mountaineers Players and Kitsap Forest Theater you now have something to look forward to in the off season.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Jerry Dreessen
Mountaineers Players Member

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