Fiddler on the Roof opens to rave reviews

Fiddler 210  Tevye QCP5506Russian dancersThe Mountaineers Players' production of Fiddler on the Roof opened to rave reviews on Memorial Day weekend. Here are some of Michael Moore's comments from his Kitsap Sun review after watching the show this weekend:

"I enjoyed the innovative ways director Craig Schieber's production dealt with the limitations presented by doing the show outdoors, in broad daylight, without any special-effects bells and whistles. I also liked a number of the performances, many of which were by first-time Mountaineers filling the iconic roles of Tevye the milkman, his family and his neighbors in workaday little Anatevka, a borrowed-time little burg about to be ground under by the expulsion of Russia's Jews in the early years of the 20th Century. And much of the singing — both by soloists in the beloved songs and by the nearly choirlike ensemble pieces — was everything I could've asked for."

". . . the Mountaineers' "Fiddler" made good on the promise of those key numbers . . .  They were helped immeasurably by the costumes supplied by Barbara Klingberg, which were the special effects in the "Tevye's Dream" sequence, which featured blue-clad "ghosts" coming out of the woodwork and the richly upholstered Fruma Sarah (Marlene Anderson) "soaring" above the host, simply by standing on a chair on the KFT stage's shelf, behind all the deceased."

Fiddler 98 bottle dancer"The famed "bottle dance" was altered, and at least one of the more difficult stunts omitted, but the piece was still considerably powerful, thanks to what the dancers were able to do, and to the backing they received from music director Amy Beth Nolte's little band of musicians, headed up by keyboardist Debbie Valenta."

"Schieber found some unexpected dramatic kick in places I didn't expect. The wedding of Tzeitel (the wonderful Sarah Walsh) and Motel (the equally charming Buddy Todd), and the subsequent trashing of the festivities by the Constable (Jerry Dreessen) and his Czarist henchmen, has seemed trite and melodramatic in other productions I've seen, but were emotional and effective in their forest incarnation. Schieber and Caridi also upped the ante in the "Chava" sequence ("Little Bird") by having Tevye's daughters (Walsh, Lani Smith as Hodel and Amberlee Williams as Chava) alongside their younger selves, portrayed in a lovely dance sequence by Layla and Maya Markovich and Jasmine Harrick)."

Fiddler 223 the sons"Stephen Wall, as Tevye, handled most of the acting, and all of the singing, with aplomb, and was especially effective in his more emotionally demanding moments, but also cranked up the comedy at times, especially in his exchanges with the jilted Lazar Wolf (a fine Tod Harrick)."

"His was probably one of the two best voices in the show, along with Jenny Dreessen as Tevye's wife, Golde. Their duet, "Do You Love Me?", was perfectly wrought, with just the right balance of heartiness and humor. All three daughters sang beautifully, as well, as did Todd (in "Miracle of Miracles"). And the whole company made the show's two most reflective numbers, "Sabbath Prayer" and "Anatevka," particular favorites of mine."

Congratulations to the production staff, musicians, sound, cast and crew for a terrific opening weekend.

Get your tickets now and make your plans to attend this powerful show. Performances are every Saturday and Sunday through Father's Day on June 17th.

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Meet our Marian

Beaven MarianBeaven Walters is delighted to be returning to the Kitsap Forest Theater stage after a brief break after the birth of her fourth child. She got her start at KFT six years ago when she played the role of Maria in The Sound of Music and was joined by her oldest daughter, Sophie, who played the youngest Von Trapp, Gretl. Beaven Sophie SOM(1)Since then, Beaven (4 shows), Sophie (6 shows), her son Scooter (4 shows), and even her husband, Mark (1 show), have appeared in six shows at KFT. Beaven also appeared as Cinderella in Into the Woods and Ida in Honk!  (which she performed well into her third trimester of pregnancy.) 

From Beaven: "Marian provides an opportunity to portray a more complex character than the typical ingénue. While she may be inexperienced at love, she is not a wide-eyed innocent. Marian is smart, savvy, wise, and strong. She has core values and standards she is not willing to compromise, even though she is teetering on the edge of entering the age when most women in her day would have been considered an “old-maid.” She is judged by the folks in the town for being different, and this sparks rumors. While on the surface Marian appears to be a tightly wound and cold librarian/music teacher, she is a romantic at heart and longs to find a “someone” with whom to share life’s simple pleasures. She also longs to be accepted by the townspeople. Additionally, Marian has a little brother, Winthrop, who has suffered since the loss of their father. This weighs heavily on Marian’s heart." 

Beaven Into the Woods(1)"Enter Harold Hill, the least obvious choice for a romantic interest for Marian, but that is also what makes the pairing so interesting. Almost from the start, there is an undeniable chemistry between the two characters that opens up a range of feelings for Marian and forces a struggle between her intellect and her heart. At first, Marian sees Harold for what he is - a charismatic and smooth talking con artist. Then, at the end of  Act 1 when Harold produces the promised instruments, including Winthrop’s cornet, Marian sees how Harold’s impact on the town, especially on her little brother, has done nothing but improve the lives of everyone Harold has come into contact with. This is a pivotal turning point for Marian as she starts to look at Harold in a new light." 

Mark Sophie Annie(1)"In Act 2, Marian continues to see the goodness and kindness below Harold’s facade, which brings down her walls and ultimately leads to her transformation. Beaven Sophie Scooter Honk(1)Her love for Harold, despite knowing the truth about him, brings about his own metamorphosis and he is willing to lose everything for this new found love. Love triumphs in this feel good musical where the townspeople and even the audience are all left a little transformed and perhaps even a bit less cynical as a result."   

"It has been my pleasure to discover the deeper meaning and hidden gems in this marvelous work of Meredith Wilson’s and I can’t imagine a better theater in which to perform this particular musical. KFT, with its range of ages of the participants, operates much like a mini River City, Iowa. We are a company full of quirky individuals-mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, husbands and wives all participating in something that is greater than ourselves. There have been generations of Mountaineers Players coming together every spring to produce plays dating back to 1923, just eleven years after The Music Man takes place. I am so grateful to be part of such a tradition."

The Music Man opens Sunday, May 29th. Get your tickets now and plan a day in the forest being transported to another time and place. 

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3621 Hits

Meet our Fiona

Mary Poppins ArrivalMeagan Castillo (Fiona) is excited to be spending another summer at the beautiful Kitsap Forest Theater. A Seattle native, Meagan has performed with many local theater companies, including Seattle Musical Theater, SecondStory Repertory, Tacoma Musical Playhouse and the Seattle Gilbert and Sullivan Society. She is currently a pre-nursing student at Bellevue College.

The 2015 season, offering two amazing shows, presented a unique challenge for Meagan. “Actors frequently ask each other about their ‘list’, which shows and roles they are dying to do.  My list is pretty short, but Fiona in Shrek is definitely on it”, so when she saw that the theater was also producing Mary Poppins, another dream role, Meagan was torn. “It’s always tricky, balancing family and ‘work’.  Fortunately my family is amazing, and although my kids are too busy to participate in the summer show, everyone encouraged me to go out for both shows.” Much to Meagan’s surprise, she landed both leads.

Meagan HeadshotThe themes in Shrek (along with the quirky characters and upbeat music), are part of what drew Meagan to the show. “The need to fit in, to be what others expect you to be, can be strong. Shrek reminds us not only to embrace our own differences, but to respect the differences in others”.

Meagan was first drawn to the Kitsap Forest Theater in 2011, when her then 10-year-old son expressed an interest in joining her on stage. The unique environment of the theater, which encourages family participation both on and off stage, was a perfect fit. Since then, Meagan has had the privilege of appearing on the Kitsap stage with both of her younger sons; in the 2013 production of Narnia, and Honk! in 2014.  “I believe that the family friendly, multi-generational environment of the Kitsap Forest Theater is very important, both for the cast and for the audience. I'm proud to be a part of creating a place where parents and grandparents can expose their children to quality theater in a relaxed and welcoming space”.





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