By Gala Lindvall on Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Category: Kitsap Forest Theater

Roofing at the Theater

The Mountaineers Players not only rehearse and perform shows at the beautiful Kitsap Forest Theater, they care for the property with volunteer labor and support from skilled helpers. The forest and weather is not easy on wood structures, and it takes time and money to keep the buildings around the property functioning.

At the theater we had roofs on dressing rooms that were 30 - 40 years old and had taken beatings with fallen branches and trees - as well as the weather. We have been working on replacing the roofs at the theater for the last year or so, and this fall we have replaced the roof on Harriet's (the men's dressing room) and are working on replacing the walls and roof of one end of the "long building" that had collapsed this summer.

Thanks to the expertise of Steve Bozorth and Vince Valin, Harriet's is covered with TPO (Thermoplastic polyolefin single-ply roofing membrane) that should protect Harriet's for many, many years. We still need to paint the eaves and the edges of the building - so there is lots of opportunities for more volunteer help. Let us know if you are interested.

We also had a collapsed roof this year at the end of the "long building" that also houses the women's dressing rooms and other storage. Steve and Vince have been working on this roof after volunteers helped tear down the rotten part of the structure. Steve put new studs on the walls and he and Vince are in the process of rebuilding the roof rafter structure. It was a much bigger project that originally thought.

Thanks to Steve and Vince and the many volunteers who have made this project move forward. And thanks to the Bremerton Rotary and the Mountaineers Foundation for grant money to help fund this project. The actors next spring and summer will appreciate the dry spaces.

Please see our photo-gallery for more pictures from these projects.