By Gala Lindvall on Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Category: The Wizard of Oz

Meet our Glinda

Sarah Fairchild is thrilled to have the opportunity to bring Glinda, one of her favorite characters, to life – and to wear a really sparkly dress while doing so! She counts herself very lucky to get to wear what she thinks are some of the best costumes out at Kitsap Forest Theater – if you saw The Little Mermaid, you may remember her as Aquata, the very sassy pink mersister. She is ecstatic to return for a second time to her glittery summer home under the trees.

Sarah is a local lighting designer and actor. She has worked on lighting teams at 5th Ave, Balagan, SMT, Can Can, and Driftwood. She’s also been seen onstage most recently as Beth March in SMT’s Little Women and will be appearing next as Jane in KFT’s summer show Tarzan.

Here’s what she has to say about the enduring nature of this year’s production of The Wizard of Oz:

“When I was growing up, whenever something didn’t go my way or I didn’t try my very best, my mom used to quote The Wizard of Oz. She would tell me that I had the magic slippers on and all I needed was to figure out how to use them.

“I hated it. I thought it was trite and clichéd because gosh Mom, we don’t live in a fairy tale!

“But then I came to realize what she meant. That I – that we all – no matter how badly things seem to be going, can reach down and find the strength and the power within us. That we can use our own power, our talents, and our ability to try harder, to do what needs to be done, and to succeed in our endeavors.

“To me, this is the most enduring message of The Wizard of Oz. This message empowered me to not give up, and to continue to strive to get better despite sometimes seemingly insurmountable odds. Although Dorothy relies on the help of other characters throughout the show – as we all must do in real life – she is ultimately the one who has power over her own fate.

“The most magical moment of The Wizard of Oz is when Dorothy clicks her heels together and sends herself home. She has found the power within herself, and Glinda facilitates that for her. She doesn’t give her all of the answers, but she protects and shelters her, letting her adventure out on her own.

“I hope that everyone who watches this show is able to by empowered by Glinda’s message. You are strong, you are powerful, you have the magic slippers on – you just have to figure out how to use them.”

The Wizard of Oz opens May 28th. Get your tickets now and don't miss out on this heartwarming show.